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Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Sunday, December 05, 2021

The Morning Midway: Women Now Dominate in College and Other Fields -- And the Circus, Too? ...

On the news, woman outnumbering men in halls of higher learning by as much as 60 to 40%  ... Men being squeezed down to a softer breed, and some are retreating.  Shamed into defaulting down to the kind of work they are better endowed to do, and giving up on the old B/A degree.  

Situation so dire, that some colleges are actively trying to lure them back ----the very opposite of what it was thirty or forty years ago when the drive was tto get more girls on a career path. Do you remember "bring your daughter to work day"?

Might there now be a bring your son to work day?

The circus has been ridiculed and shamed too, off the lots by the culture of deconstruction.

Under the big tops in heydays gone by, women held their own in the rings, despite modern day feminism, rampantly alive in San Francisco, arguing blatant bias.  So little do they know or care to know about the real world of the circus.  Modern distortions in fact are gobbled up by a brain dead media that has little interest and sees only a quaint relic of another time too out of sync with today.

And, thus has the circus suffered from a distaff side increasingly louder against animals acts, even those creepy clowns, more critical by implication of the circus's raw connection to reality. For an irretrievable past, read The White Tops. For an unworkable future, read Circus Talk.

Only when the nation pushes back, only when the American people come to their better senses and take on the Woke crowd, will the circus, too, have a chance to be what it once was -- like so many other things that have been hounded and harassed into the shadows of a new world disorder, where store fronts now feature plywood rather than glass.

Other than that in your way, do have a nice day!

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