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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Cosest Thing to a Real Review of Big Apple Circus ... This One is Unanced ...

 Will the real Anonymous please rise?

Yes, those with the most to say seem the least able to identify themselves. A sad commentary on the dearth of open conversation among circus fans and pros.  And I will say no more at this time on the matter.  This comment, posted at the end of my next posting, is too good not to give center ring attention to.

So I am calling this, far as I know, the first validly fair and objective review of what Nik Wallenda is up to at the Lincoln Center that seems to have shunned.


I have to agree with a lot of the previous review. Although there are some stellar solo and duo acts, the show is ONLY solo and duo acts apart from the wire act, which is made extremely cringe-worthy by Nik's several interruptions to show video and speak on mic to the audience. It's as if he didn't want any bigger group acts to upstage his wire act, which is regrettably stale and much smaller than we have seen from him in the past.

It's all made worse by the suspicion that he is doing nothing but alienating his neighbors in Lincoln Center by his Page Six video, hollering about discrimination and unfairness, when it's now obvious that he turned a mistake into a tasteless publicity stunt. His claims that Lincoln Center has been "our home" for so many years ring hollow coming from the man who only bought the company this year.

Seeing t-shirts for sale in concessions with his face on them really drive home the fact that this is the Nik Wallenda show, not the Big Apple Circus.


Thanks, A Whomever You Are!

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