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Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Welcome to Little Circuses, America's New Normal ... To the Season of 2021!

 Good bye to ..

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey

Cole Bros. Circus

Big Apple Circus

Carson & Barnes Circus

Kelly Miller Circus

And welcome to Little Circus, USA. Welcome to little big tops with big hearts.  This is the new normal in America. And, it would appear,  ours are no longer the most prosperous rings in the world. England now seems to be in the lead.  I can't think of a more deserving place, for they invented this thing called circus.

At the Zoppe Family Circus.  You can see horse riders and trapeze flyers. 

Warms my heart to see that Circus Vargas is back in operation.  They should have California all to themselves, far as I can see.  Please don't forget us up here in the Bay Area, Mr V.! Ah yes, the great "Mr. V" as he was so fondly called when he produced awesomely. 


I'd love to see the "dream-come-true" for former Ringling ringmaster, Kevin Venardos -- as he calls his circus. His lovely little tent seats a compact 350 souls, easier to sell out --- I hope  He is now trouping through  Colorado. 

 And here's the redoubtable Culpepper & Merriweather Circus. They've got a big little cage act in the show!  

I'd guess that Hanneford may have the best show on the road. Or, could it be ....

Yes, "America's black owned circus," as they ballyhoo it  to the max.  The cool are calling it the coolest show on Earth.  It's funky, I know that, painted in exotic colors, humored by sass and jazz.  I only saw one show, years ago, and was struck by two or three outstanding acts. The rest was a fizzy funny party.  

I have to hand it to them for marketing.  They got a full proof lock on protest-free patronage.  Funny, I do not recall the best acts being of black skin.  But of colors elsewhere.  You got to hand it to them: This is -- I assume -- a show cleverly and naturally in sync with woke culture.   So then, the big UniverSoul Question: Will they draw the big crowds that few circuses have been drawing the past few years?  And how will we ever know?  Maybe it's best not to know. 

Wait just a moment! Writes Don Covington, bringing to our attention another big player now brilliantly in motion,  "Las Vegas based Circo Hermanos Caballero is also back on the road, featuring young Anru Caballero performing the quad in the flying act.  He hits it just about every show.  After two Nevada stands, the show will move into California."

YES!   And I can't wait!

A ringmaster watches his little living dream.  John Strong would happily relate.  I am urging everyone to spend high at the ticket window.  Show a lot of green.  You know what they have all been through.


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