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Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Saturday, January 13, 2024

2023, Looking Back: The Year That Was & Wasn’t


     PERHAPS THE BIGGEST IGNORED EVENT event ever in American circus history was the so-called “comeback” of Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey.  Not a single legit notice in a newspaper that I can find. Some will send me “reviews” that turn out to be feature stories in which show people self-review their own work  It sill feels like  media in this country giving up on circus as passe after Ringling folded  in 2017. 


      RINGLING BEING ALL HUMAN may fail to be seen as a comeback, but a make over so radical as to not count as a comeback, defined in my dictionary from Webster, “a return to a former position or condition”  Show is not helped any by “circus” out of the title, by going without  rings or ringmaster, animals or clowns — even a live band.  All of which may strike a hurried reporter taking a fleeting glance as inconsequential.  Which is not to imply they are failing to attract crowds. For all I know, they may be.


     MORE THAN ONCE, I PREDICTED that Ringling would be “Circus du soleil on steroids” If those who have seen it up close and in full are to be believed, how dead wrong was I.


     AS I TOUR OUR REAL OR YOU TUBED SHOWS, seems that suddenly the man in red is MIA.  Truth be told, he was never as fixed a figure as some might argue.  Some times, he was a voice that announced just a few of acts; other times, as in Zoppe Now, a pleasing silent figure in red on the edge of the ring,  but as comforting to see as a caring dad watching all. Ringmasters can still add a very human touch, but they need not be overbearing.  Al Ringling called for “elusive, yet vital.”  Ah, that fits Zoppe’s man.


     DANCE HAS SOMETIMES PLAYED a subsidiary role in circus shows. Ringling’s production numbers used dancers to embellish action. You’ll see this at Vargas and U.K. shows, where a line of girls fill in briefly between turns..  But rarely if ever has dance been made an act itself, as it is in recurring appearances on the Big Apple’s  Roncalli Theater-circus.   Which begs the question, Why?  Were it closer to acrobatic dance, such as  Gene Kelly in flying whirls, and could thrill audiences, then let them dance!


     OUR FURY FRIENDS, robots or costumed performers, are showing up everywhere  — what, to tease kids and kiddie adults into missing them?  To signal ownership’s true heart?  To amuse Americans back into support mode?  Costumed Polar Bears at Big Apple of all places!  Heck, dogs and horses, even pigs, have not been for the most part banned.  They are NOT exotics.  They are DOMESTICS, and adults raising kids are coming to see the learning value of the magical interaction between man and non-man.


        ZOPPE FAMILY CIRCUS HAS DOGS and horses and they are playing long dates in the blue state of insanity (CA), and nobody seems to be picketing them. When they play 60 shows in Redwood city, and in the parking lot of the public library,  we are talking a circus performing for the progressive left and Silicon Valley.  How could this possibly be? Ask a parent.


    NOW THAT I OWN A CAR AGAIN (a Lyft), I am happy to see a Vargas tent more than half full, heck, thriving!  Something I have almost never seen in recent years.  Something that tells me they and the public are connecting.  And yes, not even a fake animal in sight.


      THE OMINOUS RISE IN LIFELINES, if this is indeed a trend, will only further dilute the primal appeal of circus.   There are still plenty of risk takers out there to remind audiences of what sets circus apart.  Surely, this is why so many shows owners still carry the double wheel and motorcycle globe.  


    I'VE A GENERAL IMPRESSION of they're finding renewed acceptance with funny faces more sketchy than thickly made up. It seems to be making a big welcome difference.   Grin, Clown, Grin!  


  THEY CAN EASILY get away with domestics. And a few are still getting away with wild, elephants included. These men of good will towards ailing children are fixtures in the community, the best possible link to a circus wishing to keep the animals 


     TOUGHEN UP, LET GO and Bring in Outside Judges, Mandate Gold Clowns only for mechanic-free acts. All of the others can  still qualify for silver, bronze, and tin foil.


     YOU CAN KICK THE SOUL OUT OF CIRCUS, but you can’t kick it out of a kid who loves amusing animals and funny faces making mischief.

GOOD LUCK, 2024!!!


Showbiz David said...

UNKNOWN LEFT THIS COMMENT, BUT IT FAILED TO POST. SO I WILL POST IT. I watched it, and it is wondrous beyond belief. Thank you for bringing it to us!

As a lifelong horse trainer, I've seen the best, from Knie to Krone to the great trainers of Russia, and nothing like this has ever existed in the circus world, and especially not in America https://youtu.be/u42ctQGC4To?si=5imPwaJcyjfzyLOS

Anonymous said...

Did you know that clowns Steve & Ryan are performing at the 46 Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo, which starts tomorrow? Check out some of their recent posts on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/steveandryan/?locale=en_GB

Showbiz David said...

Monte Carlo? WONDERFUL!!! I love those guys, their dedication and creativity. So good to see them persevering and being rewarded for it.

Anonymous said...

Another example of high level horse training. The difference in peforming in an open areana and the confines of a circus ring are night and day. Another reason why this could never be duplicated in an American circus is finance based. These horses are high quality animals, with prices for an untrained young horse in the range of $25,000 and up. American circuses have used low grade animals - often auction horses. As a comparison, a tiger cub is around $2,000 and even less. To the average circus goer, a horse is a horse, but not to those with knowledge of quality and training. So, the circus has little to offer those with greater knowledge. An example of this waas when there were a few Lippizan stallion shows touring the country. To many people it looked great, but the training was in no way comparable to the Lippizans of Vienna. Anyway, just ruminating on performing horses in general https://youtu.be/FVX8pAuGKI4?si=DF39VcLzGOynF-6w

Anonymous said...

Just to add. My dream circus would have the level of quality that would wow the best of the best and not just the casual observer. From the skill of the musicians, to the design of the wardrobe, and, or course the skill level of the acts. And as important, the comfort of the patrons and attention to every level of appearance of the equipment. Knie was always like that for me, as was Roncalli in the days of horses and what Big Apple was, especially in the days of Katja Schumann. In the heyday of the European circus, opening night was highly anticipated, with patrons dressing up and dignitaries from city government welcoming the show in tuxedos. Art at the level of ballet, opera and symphony. The ring was magical and the heavy velvet entry curtain hid one wonder after another. Stepping though those curtains into the spotlight made you swell with pride.
The American circus destroyed itself by accepting lower and lower standards across the board - just a vehicle for selling concessions. But, people aren't stupid. I venture to say that most patrons were one time customers, and sooner or later you run out of people to buy tickets that way.

Showbiz David said...

I recently saw a liberty horse act so astoundingly accomplished, I must re-find it and post here.
You could almost see the horses thinking as they carefully turned this way and tat from one formation to another. My guess, from Russia.

Anonymous said...

And Australian trainer, Dan James. Again, there is a huge difference in working in the ring, where the horses have nowhere to go other than that circle, to working loose in an arena where the horses could go anywhere they choose. The basic American liberty act is just 4 moves which is no feat to train from scratch in a couple of months. That is the American way - do the minimum to present a 6 minute act and never progress from there. I've seen the same horses doing the exact routine for 10 years. You wonder why the American circus is so stale and the only worthwhile acts are imports. Laziness and don't get a sh--. They sit around (well the did when there were acts) Sarasota all winter, for months barely practicing., or if they do, it's maintenance, never progression. https://youtu.be/3Ni2yLb2Lxo?si=4yrLMNZGRZFu1Jlb

Showbiz David said...

I'm not so sure about, the fantastic liberty horse act which I will try to find, is, as I recall, presented in one ring.