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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Step Right Up and Keep That Day Job!

Due out later next year, Showbiz David's next book

 Keep That Day Job!
How to Enjoy Chasing Show Business  in Vain

From the fifty (yes, fifty) jobs  he held down to keep the pay checks coming in, author and playwright David Lewis regales readers with a fast-moving panorama of workplace America.

Driven by his all-American dream of a Broadway opening night,  Keep That Day Job  takes you on a wild ride back and forth, between cleaning out rental cars in Oakland and dining high on Park Avenue with New York literary agent Bertha Klausner and Clare Booth Luce. Between being chauffeured around Moscow while researching for a book on Russian Circus and, back in Oakland, chauffeuring Kaiser Steel clients from and to the airport.  Between walking a rail yard one night recording box car numbers, and the next, meeting with French mime Marcel Marceau to discuss a Mother Goose screenplay. Between typing out letters for a chemical company in Hollywood and being handed a rave review in Variety for his new musical Those Ringlings.

From prune picking to circus clowning, press agent to roller skating instructor to bank teller, night-shift doorman, house painter — and, finally, to  “accidental librarian” for Oakland’s largest law firm, the amusing twists and turns keep coming.

Stay tuned for more ahead.


Douglas McPherson said...

I'm looking forward to it. Sounds like it will be a roller-coaster ride!

Showbiz David said...

This, I hope too, Sir Douglas, having grown up across the street from one!