Over 4,000 Page Views Today, 2.20 -- Should I Turn Myself into a Dance Blog?

Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Those Five Ringlngs: The Jobs, Gates & Bezos of Their Day

Hit the road with five young brothers from Wisconsin, who take on shyster big tops with honest dealing, loudly refusing to condone grift on their midway.  Who declare themselves,  “Flounders of the new American School of Showman.” Their exploits soon incur the wrath and skulduggery of the entrenched status quo.  

“ Kudos for everybody! The next best thing to a circus is a rousing good musical comedy about wondrous circus ways and the meanies who try to corrupt nice guys like those five Ringling brothers.  The lilt of David Baron’s always lively, never blatant score carries sounds developed from the big tent ... David Lewis’s are entertaining and as relevant as his book and dialogue.”
                              – HOLLYWOOD DRAMA-LOGUE

Be there to watch their brazen ballyhoo rattle James Bailey, sending him into a vindictive snit and setting into motion a deadly string of counter attacks. When bloody bill posting wars and all manor of competitive sabotage spread chaos and death across the midway.  

“They found the circus in the hands of vagabonds,” wrote William Lyon  Phelps, “and put it into the hands of gentlemen.”

Be there too, for comedy and hoopla, adventure and romance —  from trusty to lusty –  set rousingly to song, dance, and circus spectacle.

“Baron and Lewis hit upon an inventive idea.   It has style, spirit, appleaing characters, good songs ... filled with rousing choruses and lyrical ballads.”
                         — LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWS

Under the big top, the brothers became  the Silicon Valley tycoons of their day — the first to show movies under a black tent on the midway, the first to drop the canvas sidewalls to let in more air, giving customers relief while suffering a drop in soda pop sales.  The first to hire Pinkerton detectives to comb the grounds for pickpockets and card sharks, at first, stationing a man at the ticket wagon warning patrons, “count your change!”

Here, finally, is the musical that tells their story in two fast-paced acts, replete with circusy show tunes and darker refrains born of adversity and misfortune.    “Life is a circus, starring us all,” sings Al Ringling.  

"Better than Barnum ... with proper handling,  this show deserves a shot at the Tony."                  

                     -- VARIETY


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