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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Gong Show and Up: American Unicycle Wonder Wesley Williams Wows Moscow, Declared an "Idol" at Russian Circus Festival

 from 10.11.19


Okay, let my pride of prophecy parade:  Because I gave this young American circus star stellar coverage on this here blog after discovering him on a TV's The Gong Show, I was elated to read this in the latest issue of Spectacle Magazine on-line, just out:

Young American Enjoys Success at World Festival of Circus Arts in Moscow

"Unicyclist Wesley Williams represented the United States at the 2019 World Festival of Circus Art 'IDOL' in Moscow, Russia. Only 20 of the best acts from around the world were chosen to perform at this prestigious circus competition.  Out of all the acts that participated Williams received one of the highest honors, The Main Prize Bronza 'Idol.'

This marked Williams first appearance anywhere outside the United States.  He called it "an honor just to be invited to the competition.  Although it was a super sweet feeling to see that all my blood, sweat, and tears and years of preparation for this moment paid off.”

Wesley, you gave me everything I hope for and rarely get in a circus act these days, topped with a show-stopping climax on that sky-high unibike of yours.  Talk about raw heart-pounding peril. All performed with great classy showmanship and down-home humility.  Best of all, you put yourself and us on the map in probably the most revered circus ring in the world --  MOSCOW.

Great going, kid!


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