Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

About the New Big Apple Circus About to Uncork ... Could it Be ...?


Hmmmm.  A video tease from the show left me numbingly unmoved.

But But ...

Took a look at pictures and bios of the acts on the radiant website ... Kitty cats, yes, performing fluffers!  Two guys who do something on the back of a horse.  A high wire trio ... Juggling   ... the Russian barre re-conceived by a big troupe of aerial acrobats, and with Monte Carlo cache ... Big troupes always excite me. All sorts of other goodies ...  Chinese pole ... Wheel of death ... Do I feel the punch, pop and pound of a big top whopper?

So .... ah ... calm down, David.  It depends on the quality and depth of these acts.  Here is one word that I was left feeling over my first encounter with these inviting images, (not the inert video):



Anonymous said...

I know you are always curious about circus ticket sales. If you take a look at Ticketmaster you can see the number of tickets still available for Big Apple Circus.

I checked their third show of the day (7:00pm) on their opening day at Lincoln Center, Saturday, October 12th and there are many tickets still not sold. For the first two ringside rows they are asking $195.00 plus fees per ticket. For the rows behind those, they are asking $120.00 plus fees per ticket.

Check out the Ticketmaster seating chart:

Showbiz David said...

You are right about my curiosity over seats sold -- as sport fans are, as movie buffs are, pop music lovers are, etc. etc. etc. But we, circus fans, are continually left in the dark!

And thanks for the tip on how to see how many seats are sold. I had known about this, and got tired a year or so ago trying to follow a sampling of shows, going back and forth. And then, there is this:

Who knows, but that management does not tinker with those dots in order to lend a deceptively good impression. At least,they are back on the road!