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Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Wallenda NY High Wire Walk a Washout ... While Nik Stays Safely Strapped to Safety Wires, Viewership Takes a Plunge ...

* UPDATES, 6/24: Fake daring-do just won't cut it anymore.  Turns out that Nik and sister Lijana were strapped to safety wires, looking more like injured patients re-learning how to walk.

* 5 million watched the stunt on ABC, down from the 10 million who followed Nik Wallenda's 2012 walk, also protected. (He has taken similar outdoor walks elsewhere in past years without mechanics.)

* About the safety harness, Wallenda told a reporter he was "totally cool" with it, giving as a reason his concern for his sister.  High wire walkers who work with mechanics are not true high wire walkers at all, and that is putting it politely.  What they should do is come down to earth and walk the low wire, and preserve the aura of integrity.

* I caught a clip of Nik strapped to an elaborate high-tech harness.  Pitiful.  A further smear on the vanishing mystique of great American circus , which comes off looking even more impotent compared to some TV reality shows. Karl Wallenda must be grieving in his grave.


Actually, I am putting this out the night before, having just discovered an ABC special I knew nothing about -- Nick Wallenda and sister about to take a  wire walk over Times Square.

Got to give it to these two: They make perfect personalities for this kind of stunt, somehow managing  to come off above and beyond the vulgarity sometimes attached to these old-fashioned exploits. She is a discrete looker, drawing a fashionable sympathy talking about not being totally secure with an ailing ankle.

He, cool guy still, says he cares more about his sister than his own balance aloft.

And I am already nervous, or should I say concerned?  But I will have no idea whether or not they make the crossing, for I will be sleeping through most of it.

Have a good night.

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