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Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Morning Midway: Looking to TV for the Next Greatest Show on Earth?

Not sure when the Super Duper Bowl comes on TV, since I do not follow the sport, might be tonight?

I know that after it is over, CBS has been teasing interest in a global, reality show kind of competition that follows, with dazzling advance clips of acts, mostly circus acts,  and claims that this program will bring viewers the very best to be found round the world.

Might be. Might not be. Does look awesomely promising.  Gradually, television is filling up a void vacated by the dreary and depressing demise of mainstream U.S. big tops.

That rather ignorant recent PBS Circus Doc claimed that television in the '50s killed the circus. No, it did not.

But now, the same medium may be helping to bring it back, long as they keep the action raw and real -- as opposed to precious and pretentious.  

I will be waiting to see.

And you?


Anonymous said...

Nah, the Internet has killed television. There are many Youtube video makers who far surpass the viewers of any TV show. 500 hours of content are uploaded to Youtube every MINUTE. Lots of crap, but lots of content that is way better than what networks show. If you want to see everyday amateurs doing things more incredible than any circus act, Youtube is the place. The new generation yawns at what is supposed to impress them in the ring.

Showbiz David said...

Indeed, I'll agree with you that so many forces on modern technology are changing public perceptions of circus.

And if amateurs are doing as you say more incredible things, this is only good in the long run for circus.

Anonymous said...


Showbiz David said...

I am printing this because, only scanning it a bit, it shows a younger crowd out there in life doing some remarkable things. Circus-oriented Creativity is very much alive!

Thanks, whoever sent it.