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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

ONE MONTH FROM TODAY: Showbiz David's New Book will be Prime Time Reading

Was it really a golden age?  Showbiz David's new book, due out on June 30,  gives a personal voice to the  excitement of watching TV in its start-up years.  From Milton Berle to Jack Paar, I Love Lucy to The Twilight Zone—Wrestling and Roller Derby to the Kennedy-Nixon presidential debates—Prime Time Rising: Growing Up at the Dawn of Television offers a fast-moving panorama of television’s meteoric rise through the 1950s. The Book traces TV’s early-day programing milestones, and  how it matured as a news-reporting participant through one of the most polarizing decades in American history. A decade as reviled as it is revered. 

From Gunsmoke to Omnibus, rigged games shows to live dramatic adaptations equal to a seat at the theatre—they’re all here, honestly covered and thoughtfully reviewed.  Tune in for a prime time read one month from today!

"Travel through time … A treasure trove of early day TV programming … Introduces new audiences to these old-time shows, bringing them to life even for those without a prior familiarity with early television …. The special attraction of Prime Time Rising lies in its ability to retain and maintain a vividly engrossing atmosphere throughout."

                                              -- Midwest Book Review


Douglas McPherson said...

Sounds like it will be a ratings winner for sure!I'm looking forward to another of your always welcome dispatches from mid-century America.

Showbiz David said...

I'm waiting for the Nielsens.
I'm good at waiting for things ...


Kathy said...

Okay, June 30th can't come fast enough.....can't wait!!!