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Saturday, May 06, 2017

Big Top Typewriter is Coming to the Circus World Museum

Excited to announce that my new book, Big Top Typewriter, will be coming to Circus World’s gift shop, ready for the summer crowds and the opening of the circus show on May 19.

I can't think of a more idyllic setting for the book and buyer to meet.  The enchanting town of Baraboo itself.   The walk down Water Street past original Ringling brothers buildings, and onto the grounds, where the magic of what the five brothers gave us lives vividly on.

Here is where the most famous circus title in the world was born.

Also the perfect setting, given that the young up and coming circus kings make a rare and rousing cameo in my book -- a cameo that I could never have imagined when I set out to begin writing it many drafts ago.

While working on the very last draft, but still mired in a critical chapter that I believed needed a stronger ending, suddenly there it came, from out of nowhere --  the nowhere of my mind — Al,  Alf T,  Charles, Otto, and John entering to deliver it:  They were just beginning a glorious new chapter in their own remarkable rise to  the top of the big top.  How surprising it all happened – exactly what the chapter needed! Exactly what we all need now, I believe, as we face the depressing day of a world without Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey.

So, what better place on earth than Baraboo to purchase your copy of the book -- or, if you already have, maybe an extra copy or two for others, come birthdays or holidays?

Thank you for the honor, Circus World!


Jim Royal said...

I bought the book and am enjoying it. Like a good performance, it zips along at a good pace. Halfway through the book, I was delighted to find a coupon that entitles me to a free balloon. It didn't mention where to claim my prize.

Showbiz David said...

Thanks for sharing, Jim ...

Glad you are enjoying it. I worked a lot on pacing, so from you, your compliment on the "zip" quality of the read is a high and valued compliment!

A coupon for a free balloon? Are you pulling my leg? A real mystery. Somebody at the publishers back east, or at Amazon, who packed the book must have put it in there. Of course. assuming it reached you first, and not through other hands in your office ...

Let me look into this. I wonder if the Peterson people are trying to get back at me?!