Over 4,000 Page Views Today, 2.20 -- Should I Turn Myself into a Dance Blog?

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Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

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Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Sunday, March 05, 2017

Ready to Rise on World Circus Day: Showbiz David's New Book

Step right up to a rollicking adventure through over fifty years of circus history, as told by someone who lived through it all and has been writing about it since the age of 14, when he was first published in The White Tops.   

Follow David Lewis Hammarstrom  on a journey of discovery through spangled worlds far and near, from Santa Rosa to Sarasota, Moscow to Beijing, as  he chases down interviews with big top stars, endures countless rejections in the search for publishers, duels with editors to preserve his voice, and has a great time helping to ballyhoo his work — sometimes outrageously.  In wry reply a reviewer complaining that one of his books lacked distinctive circus atmosphere, the author sent him a special Smell Edition, containing fresh elephant dung off circus lots.

The author brings a wealth of fascinating inside experience direct to his typewriter — from clowning, to press agent working the advance, to Variety critic at large. And he’ll regale you with a little Broadway magic during a brief, breezy intermission along the Great White Way. Then back to the Big Show, and onto the most dramatic chapters in American circus history.  All of which is sure to entertain, and may even astonish you.   

Herein lies an eye-opening excursion into the ways and wonders of a world forever on the brink of extinction that yet somehow manages to reinvent itself over and over again.

So, have yourself a center ring seat, and read all about it in Big Top Typewriter, slated to rise on April 15!   

Available on Amazon.


Harry Kingston said...

I cannot wait to read more about his circus adventures from a real pro who got to see it when it was a real circus with animals and tents.
Thanks for the memories.
Harry in Texas

Douglas McPherson said...

Looking forward to it!

Bill Hall said...

We referred some people to your most recent views on the RBBB shutdown, as printed this past week, but as of today there's nothing! Do yiu care to comment? Thanks! -- Bill Hall

Showbiz David said...

Thank you, Bill, for your referrals and message. I am now adding photos. It should be
up again in the next 30 minutes.
