Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Kelly Miller Lets a Few Go, Imports New Clowns, Hands Holder Two White Tigers, Ostroff, the Ringmaster's Whistle -- Young Finn's First Impressions of an American Cricus ....


Wonder of Wonders!

Back in the House of Ringling, sleuthing through cyber sawdust for clues to the new show out, here is what I and Doc Felix Watson have found in the key of exciting.  All of it contained in a post issued by new clown, apparently a Finn import, Sebastian ie Seppo Tauriainen.  (Notice how John Ringlilng North II has a way of attracting bloggers?)

I deduce the following, but keep in mind, this outfit often takes many weeks to piece itself fully and finally together, That said, here are some of the changes:

*  Missing from the lineup are Raul Oliveras, Armando Loyal, fire-eater Lamount, and clown John Sayre.

*  Three of last year's strongest acts are back:  Abrham Gebre, Nicolas Souren, and Amina & Zaia.

* Rebecca Ostroff, turning in her trapeze for the ringmaster's whistle.

* Ryan Holder getting two white tigers into his act. 

* Juggler Nicolas Sourens' wife, Kimberly, has a pot in the show

* Dogs, ducks, and a llama from Carolyn Rice.

Here is Sebastian's full post in rough on-line to-English translation (no corrections made)

 Clown Sebastian ie Seppo Tauriainen to conquer the new continent, and sent its first report: We started our tour in the United States, the traditional Kelly Miller Circus on 5 February, the Rio Grande Valley area of South Texas. Here, the population seems to speak mostly Spanish, so I took a crash course in the language of the tent boys numbers. The presentation is a couple of hours long and consists of similar numbers, as we have up. The difference may have been the host of a major role in the program and the special intermediate numbers as some kind of nuts sale of the campaign during the presentation. People rush to buy bags of nuts Ring Master hehkuttaessa topic riding arena. In some pähkinäpussilla obviously to win something, but this must be consulted in more detail. Presentation dates back to the air-acrobat Rebecca Ostroff . He was seen in Finland Christmas time, Water for Elephants movie. Rebecca has toured for years with Kelly Miller and now for the first time the role of the Ring Master.

One of the circus of the most popular standard of the performers. Fagolino - CLOWNS Italian clown who visits the same ring three times. Arwen, Kimberly and Emilie - DANCE GROUP Appears in the same ring a few times of the 1920s Charleston style numbers. Fridman - LAUTASNUMERO Peruvian-rounder, who is also working multi-man circus. It has been repairing my home tour. Carolyn & Shirley - DOGS, ducks and llama Many will remember Finlandia several times visited the Pat Harrison and his hot dogs. This number is similar to the cart, but, surprisingly, the dogs were really dressed hodareiksi - yes, the dogs run a riding arena rolls between mustards on the back. This comfortable hassle-free number on the second performer has been the Director of lovely Irish lady Shirley. Sebastian - Ventriloquist Oulu alone speaker in a big country. WEB PRODUCTION This impressive number is the air coming from the Ringling Brothers circus and falls Kelly Miller, a year-round program. In the five air acrobats occurs at the same time in different parts of the indoor arena. This number is for masts tuned to the specific cables, to acrobats have been around the indoor arena. Nicolas Sourens - Juggler Juggler Very good traditional instruments balloons, beam angles and tires. NIC wife will be an excellent partner in issue. Abraham Gebre - jugglers Nigerian artist is now the second year to perform here. He has been seen in the past as close as Sweden Cirkus Olympia and Scott included. His number is very good and speedy. Abraham juggling hats in addition to angled discs on the bounce these balls. The presentation is very action-packed and energetic. Zaya and Mindeh - STRAPS Mongolian couple shows a beautiful air-acrobatic interludes straps. Kimberly Sourens - KEYSTONE jugglers wife mak Here our program: Ryan Holder - Tiger Six magnificent tigers, as well as two white tigers. es an elegant trapeze number of French music. Mike Rice - zebras and camels more exotic animals in the same ring. Number is the number camel surprisingly packed. Probably due to the speed the pace is maintained by the nimble zebras. Tommy Demry - the elephant in the circus staff wondered before training begins, it looks like the number one elephant, when usually they have always been three. However good it looked. Elephant namely dancing instructor with Tommy. And when the going gets wild grab the elephant in Tambourines kärsäänsä and will be accompanied by dance. Quite a peculiar sight. Zaya - contortion Straps issue appeared Zaya makes another artful number.

Sebastian's First Impressions of Kelly Miller Layout, Midway and Personnel
 I've selected some highlights for House of Ringling Fans -- very interesting, how a young European  sees us. 

The circus is beautifully decorated throughout. The cars and wagons sides are made ??of intricate paintings. A number of points found in the circus owner John Ringling North II 's name. His uncle was the famous Ringlin Brothers and their circus with John spent his childhood  ...  Both of these gentlemen (North and Royal) have been very good company and very approachable people ...Technical staff will be in Mexico. The circus 85 people for a bunch of people have their own kitchen trolley Cook House , where we eat. The canteen will be hosted by a very cheerful Jeremiah , who is a great cook and a club officer.

The circus entrance of Midway is filled with a wide range of temptation before the tent at night: face painting, animal horseback riding and photography, souvenir stores, balloons, bouncy castle and Sideshow. Dollar's take a look at monelaista miraculous mm. mummified mermaid, a crocodile head, El Chupacabra, and many other creatures. Generally speaking, these attractions are not alive, but in a display case ground twice something live bugs. This ihmeellisyysmuseon curators are tiger tamer Ryan and mechanic Danny . The circus kiosks are to the local way also very versatile. For sale is a standard candy, jätskien, cotton candy and popcorn, but also corn dogs, Funnel Caces, Sno Corns, Peanuts, Caramel Apples and much more.

The circus in Mexico made.  New tent is about the size of the tent of Circus Finlandia and can house 1,100 spectators. Tent erection and dismantling seems to be going in a different way than I have seen before, and the tent structure is slightly different. The audience can be pitched very quickly. The stands are built on top of the long wagons, which are six in the tent. These wagons are opened hydraulically and grandstand aluminum benches is complete. Fully round shape, this grandstand may not be, but it works really well. Aitio a stadium- Ring Side does not include separate lodges but it is a full circle shape around the fenced perimeter of the riding arena. Tent will be a $ 16 basic access to tickets (adult or child will pay the same price approx. € 14) and the inside is possible to pay a fee of $ three, and thus get for better Ring Side locations. Ticket Cashier given to the people discount coupons for the price of 2 euros off the leaves. These are distributed to all, so the ticket price is actually $ 14, ie approx. 12 euros. Our tour is now writing this lasted for four days, and the back nine successful screen. I'm looking forward to what this country has to offer. There will be such. Amish-filled shows, when the parking area is more carriages than cars. Our tour will last until early November.



Lane Taburt said...

Thanks for this update, David.

Showbiz David said...

This guy sounds fun, and if I'm egging him on to be another Steve, blame it on JRN-II!

David of the New World

Cinema67 said...

Where did John Moss III go. I have searched the Internet far and near and checked other Circus websites and he seems to have fallen off the Circus path.
Wish someone on KM wuld pickup on posting a blog frm time to time. I know that the Norths like a blog. I guess Steve Copeland spoiled us all. Steve is doing an excellent job blogging on Circus Valquize or how ever yu spell it. Trouble is I dont know any on that show other than names. On KM i knew Holder, Steve & Ryan and Ryans Wife,Mr. Royal, Friedman and sons, John Moss and Family etc. Friedman wife use to post on her blog but I guess she's not traveling with the show this year. She hasn't posted anything in weeks and she had a lot of people who followed her posts.
Jon Walker