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Friday, December 07, 2012

A Gift for All Seasons: Take Them Inside the Changing Circus!

"Step right up for a visit to the American Circus!  There could be no finer guide than David Lewis Hammarstrom ... His passion for sawdust and spangles bubbles from every line but - a rarity among circus writers - he's as quick to point out the rubbish and rip-offs as the wonderful"
          -- THE STAGE, London

 "Fascinating! ... Something we need in these changing times more than anything else."
          -- PLANET CIRCUS, Germany
 "Bold and ambitious ... Timely and provocative! ... It is difficult to disagree with most of his views."
          -- CIRCUS REPORT, USA

"Once in the audience, how can viewers evaluate what they see? ... A concise guide ... Hammarstrom's memories are vivid, and his enthusiasm is infectious"
          -- CHOICE

"I eagerly read this book - as a circus arts performer and instructor I found it entertaining, and as an academic educator I found it very useful ... strikes a fun balance between history and gossip, critical guide and personal insights into the diversity that is the world of the modern circus show."
          -- ELSIE SMITH

"A thought-provoking book... how circus, particularly American circus, has changed and developed over the past 50 to 60 years, this book is packed with information and opinion."
          -- KING POLE, UK

“Penetrating ... Informative ... Takes us out of our comfort zones.”
          – THE WHITE TOPS

"Roll up, while you still can, to the greatest show on earth! 'fresh, alive, magical and compelling.'  Along with the author of this fine volume, I urge you to buy tickets for the world of sawdust and spangles before it's too late and circuses go the way of steam trains."
          -- THE DAILY MAIL, London

"Pay Attention! ... A good show!... This engaging study functions as a sort of everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-the-circus-business-today-but-were-too-mildly-nostalgic- to-ask."
          -- SPECTACLE, USA

"His appraisals of changing circus trends under American big top apply to the world circus scene absolutely."
           -- CIRCUS ARCHIVE,  Germany

$19.95 - available on most websites

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Jim Royal said...

Your "book pitch" reminded me of a recent visit to the Moscow Ballet's production of The Nutcracker in Dallas. Following the performance photos could be taken with a ballerina, for a price of course. Commerce, it is everywhere.

Showbiz David said...

sounds so tacky, a ballet pitching photos, a la a circus ringmaster with snake pitching photo ops.

Perhaps, circus in this unseemly sense, is on the cutting edge, Jim?

I've thought sometimes of "monetizing" my blog, but if I said yes to Google (it could earn me pennies, I suppose), who would advertise -- Peterson Peanuts?