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Friday, March 23, 2012

Smart Changes Promise Fresh Excitement: Carson & Barnes Has New Website & Marketing; Circus Vargas Has Kevin Venardos

More than ever before, circuses need to change from year to year, need to shake things up and convince their customers they are not "same old same old."

Surfing the web this morning, I was pleased to see evidence of fresh thinking on two of our mainstay tent shows.

The new logo for Carson & Barnes, above, does not exactly reflect the show's winning new bannery website , full of color, grace, warm advertising prose. With it comes a sidebar blog, Everything Circus, which offers impressive historical big top bytes. Those redoubtable Byrds -- gotta love their trouping spirit -- have hired the Acree Creative firm to design a new marketing strategy. If the breezy website look can be extended into the performance itself (C&B over the winter were looking for a new performance director), that might result in overflow half houses -- and in today's market (even on RBBB), half houses are the new gold standard, right? Fly, Byrds, fly!

Circus Vargas has a new theme -- With a Touch of Broadway -- and just the right new ringmaster to work the theme in Kevin Venardos, a matriculating pro from Ringling via the Big Apple Circus, where his participation was curiously wordless. I'd like to see more of his work.

I'm looking forward to seeing how different the show might look and sound. Same as for Carson & Barnes. Heck! I just resolved last winter to stay way from same old same olds. And now, am I really facing more miles to walk after more dreary bus rides to take?

Let go of me, world of circus!


Jack Ryan said...


Just for the record, Kevin's surname is Venardos.


Showbiz David said...

Thank you, Jack.

I pity anybody whose name comes near my keyboard.