Over 4,000 Page Views Today, 2.20 -- Should I Turn Myself into a Dance Blog?

Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Prince Albert II and Princess Stéphanie With Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown Winners

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Monte Carlo Gold to Djiguite Riders, China’s National Acrobats, Flying Caballeros

Friday, November 04, 2011

Hush, Hush, Anonymous! You Are Now on Sawdust Sabbatical

And I don't know when you may be coming back.

And if I get less comments, so be it.

I have grown increasingly tired or your profanity, personal insults against others, etc., etc. Some of your views may be spot on, so why not identify yourself? What are you afraid of? After all, the subjects discussed here hardly rise to the level of redacted Wiki-leaks.

This is my way of trying to foster a more comfortable place, where people of ALL views may feel welcome to express themselves without fear of being personally attacked or diminished.

Yes, I realize, there is a fine line between taking issue with the opinions of others and issuing the grand insult, intended or not. To be clear: It is is OK here to counter, even challenge other views in civil discourse. It is NOT OK here to engage in sarcastic, derisive, profane, or belittling language. Remain nameless and you don't have a chance.

Let's face it: No two people see any given circus exactly the same way, which is the same as anywhere across the entertainment spectrum, be it theatre, cinema, pop music, yodeling or TV land. We all have our passions. A circus that satisfies you is your truth.

I am also feeling a respect for contributors who do have the guts to put their names next to their to their words. How daring!

Anonymous, enjoy your sabbatical.



Harry Kingston said...

Thanks so much for taking a stand on this and as you said no two people are alike.
We all love the circus what is left of it.
Like I said I prefer the tent shows as that to me is the real circus.
And I sign my name right or wrong in what I say and stand behind it.
We are all here to learn about our circuses.
And Dave no one can top you on your un varnished opinion on it all,learned one.
Thanks Dave for your great blog and all the time you put into it.
A zillion thnaks for it.
Harry in Texas

rcblues said...

Good morning... Mr. Showbiz... My Sunday morning routine, CBS Sunday Morning and reading circus blogs... CBS did a story on Steam Punks, very cool and unusual... You know Dave, if you
do it right... life is a Sabatical! Picked up a Toshiba Thrive and really enjoy it... More mobility. Spent last weekend in Ventura at the kinetic races... Foggy and cold. My middle daughter and her husband travel with a large crew and bus with their cantraptions entertaining and competeting.
Enjoy your time...rch

OrMaggie77 said...

..Hmmmm..I wonder whom this anonymous could be.? Profanity,personal insults.? I bet I can guess who.? LOL..Margaret..

Alan Cabal said...

Just ban anonymous commenting. It's a silly practice anyway.