On Parade in Amazon America

On Parade in Amazon America

Monday, January 07, 2008

MIDWAY FLASH ... MIDWAY FLASH ... Carson & Barnes to Play San Francisco Under the Big Top ...

A U.S. circus under canvas in the city by the golden gate?

A few phone calls to the Cow Palace -- Will Ringling return in 2008? Might there be another circus instead? And what about, say, Carson & Barnes (already rumored to be inking California dates for 2008)-- revealed this shocker: Carson & Barnes will appear on the upper parking lot of the Cow Palace, next September 12 through 14 (not October, as I originally reported)

This will mark the first time in perhaps over half a century that a traditional American under-canvas three ring circus had made an appearance in this city. Ringling-Barnum began playing the Cow Palace, as an indoor engagement, in 1948 and is still listed by the Cow Palace as its longest running tenant, even though Ringling has nixed the date the last two years.

Carson & Barnes, in what may be viewed as a gutsy move, will be trouping into the center of left-wing PC anti-circus-animal-acts culture. And worse, in the wake of the S.F. Zoo tiger attack fiasco, which has the town on edge and may make the locals even more critical of circus animals --- if only in a desperate bid to make their troubled "zoo" look superior by comparison. Get out your score cards, kids. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

I called the Cow Palace administration office today, and a woman told me that the date is "pending." Why, I asked. She said the circus has yet to return the contract, although she expects to likely see it in the next few weeks.

Actually, Carson & Barnes will not be playing San Francisco, but Daly City (in San Mateo County), in which the Cow Palace is located. The venue, however, has long been considered a San Francisco venue in the public's mind. This is a startling and exciting move by the last touring tented three-ringer in America.

[static cell phone sounds]

Hey, Showbiz Dave? Are you there?

Yes, is that you, Sage? Where are you?

I'm in transit, guy. Look here, you haven't seen anything yet. I'm on my way to Hugo to check this thing out... Oh, yes, Ginger...

Sage, Sage?

Yeah, Dave...

Who is Ginger?

Oh, ah, my lady friend here loaned me her cell phone. Hey, babe, I won't be on it long... Oh, ah, Dave, Hugo is happening!..

Sage, did you ever get your four-woman aerial ballet act to John Ringling North II for an audition?

Afraid not, dude.

Are you still representing them?

They're back working the bar..

Attention, greyhound passengers! Only ten minutes to your Baton Rouge dinner stop!

[phone connection goes dead]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dates for our Cow Palace appearance are Sep 12-14 not Oct