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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Belated Happy 250th Birthday, UK Circus of Philip Astley!

9.10.20: While I have been spending virtually all of my virtual blogging time at the moment Over There, reason being there is a there over there, I dug this one up, which brings back many fond memories of my days in the enchanting Scotland.

Posted 3.2.19:

Why did it take me so long?  All through last year, the Brits were celebrating  the 250th anniversary of the founding of our modern circus --- created by English horseman  and showman Philip Astley.
A gift to the world. 

Why was I a no-show in the parade?   Blame it on the fall of Ringling.  Blame it on my funk, caused by the Feld of Felds turning into the Flake of Flakes.  Going through some old drafts on my blog, I was surprised to discover that I had started a post, quite a while back, to honor UK circus history. I had meant to share my own brief experience under British big tops.
Here are notes on three circuses I was lucky to see, in and around gritty, entertainment-rich Glasgow in the mid-1960s.  I scribbled down raw first impressions in the programs as the shows were proceeding.  These program magazine pages bearing them would not be on display here if they had veered too much toward the negative. Trumpets, please ...  They do not!  I am very impressed with what I saw, based now upon what I noted.

Remembering back ...

I had forgotten the staggering array of animals acts that were featured on  Chipperfield's Circus. And to think that Martin Lacy, Jr. who just won a Gold Clown at Monte Carlo,  can't perform in his own country.  At Monte Carlo, he represented Germany's Circus Krone

This gentleman, who worked on props, took me on a tour of the lot.

Up goes the tent -- Roberts Bros, I think.  What a setting.

My favorite circus was the one at Kelvin Hall in Glasgow, over the holidays.  Fine acts, and great music by the "Circus Grand Orchestra" led by Billy Rose.

Me on wheels.  The warm gentle countryside can feel like  life is floating.   You have to be there to experience Scotland's subtle beauty.

Belated Happy Circus Birthday, Great Britain!

1 comment:

Douglas McPherson said...

A marvelous post! Great to see the pictures inside the Chipperfield's tent, and the programmes with notes. I hope you will share more memories and photos from your visit to Scotland's circuses.