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Monday, August 01, 2016

MIDWAY FLASH! MIDWAY FLASH! King Cole Circus Fails First Payday, Tour Ditched, Trucks Headed Back to Florida

Update, 8/9/16:  More comments have been added. 
This just in from Circus Chuck to Showbiz David:

"Just informed by people on the show that trucks headed back to Florida, missed first payday and Dickie Garden pulled the plug. Guess Johnnie will have to drive his new Mercedes all by himself."

Thank you, Chuck 



Anonymous said...

Is Carson and Barnes also headed home?

Showbiz David said...

I hope not. Don Covington passed along news that this year, they are taking a midsummer break.

It sounds a bit ominous and I can not find on the C&B website a listing for future dates.

Anonymous said...

This is on facebook. no idea if true. just following the story. Loved the Cole Brothers Circus. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1740407552914951&set=a.1382705598685150.1073741827.100008371682675&type=3&theater

Showbiz David said...

Notwithstanding Richard Flint's comment on his Facebook page that the Maryland dates had been cancelled but the show had not closed, that “rumors abound,” I just checked the King Cole website, and it makes clear that ALL SCHEDULE PERFORMANCES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED.

Can we finally put this sad turkey to rest?

Dick Flint said...

I would caution you that the "scheduled" dates on the Cole website only went through Maryland and one, I believe, Delaware date. That might be the time it takes to "reorganize." Maybe the website posting was just a bit late following my news but it shows my sources have been accurate from when the show was sold to now. Clearly, rumors fly at times like these but people (including you and I, Dave!) need to be very cautious. Lots of people have reasons to either dish the show, its management, or look to enhance their own egos. I continue to hear from my three sources and the most recent acknowledged some confusion. I conclusively know of only two vehicles that are "officially" headed back to Deland but it is for meetings, not because the show is necessarily folding. The best sources state people have been paid and I can't imagine many sane people joining out that weren't savvy enough to want cash payments up front or for the new owners not knowing that regular payments are needed to keep employees happy given all the rumors that have circulated about the show and people with it. Think about it, apply some logic and skepticism, and we should all keep quiet until something solid emerges.

Showbiz David said...

Thanks for your input, Richard.
Yes, many people have all sorts of agendas. My own agenda is to try to report what is actually happening.
You could be right. I am going into passive mode as of the moment.
I have King Cole burnout. King Cole exhaustion, fatigue, PTKCS --- post traumatic King Cole stress.
Given everything that has happened, I can see Garden maybe ditching the tent and taking the name King Cole and some acts into arenas or maybe school gymnasiums.
He has a VERY checkered background, that I do know.
Frankly, all I see in this so-called season for the show previously known as King Cole is utter chaos!
And I see what clearly appears on its website.
Strange, might you agree, no mention of King Cole dates up the road?

Showbiz David said...


This just in from Don Covington:


Anonymous said...

If you search for "King Cole Circus" in facebook, then click "Latest", then scroll down & down & down, there are a series of videos and pictures that say they are from one of the "King Cole Circus" paid shows. Look at the attendance, or lack thereof, in the stands. sad........ It is also really sad seeing only 1 ring, and the small distance of the cannon shot at the end. It is a shell of greatness. Also, not mentioning the obvious huge void of Chris Connors not being there & a tacky recording taking his place. Very sad....

Dick Flint said...

Lack of posting dates is not so strange if you are reorganizing because you probably are not yet precisely sure of your situation and that may describe Cole for now! As you certainly know, several shows do not post their route very far in advance. I can understand your burnout feeling but for longtime followers along the "I-95" show route, it is of some interest; I, for example, have seen it every season since 1961. We've certainly seen better circus seasons!

yosemitecee said...

Confused by variety of comments, so took the short drive to DeLand winterquarters. I personally saw performers, staff & trucks who have already returned. No doubt rest of 10 trucks will return once drivers are secured. My understanding is some left when they still didn't receive money for this year or final pay owed from 2015 season.

Showbiz David said...

Thanks for the welcome clarity.

Unknown said...

I went to the first show in Jacksonville Nc. My Dad and myself went earlier in the day to buy tickets. We were the only people at the ticket window and the young girl could not comprehend that we wanted to purchase three adult tickets and two junior tickets. She finnally had to get an older person to help her. Then when it was all figured out , we paid cash , and the ticket window had no currency for change. The older woman had to go ask employees for change , literally quarters and dollar bills. I have worked in accounting for thirty years , if you have a problem taking your customers money at point of sale locations , you have a huge problem.