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Friday, July 01, 2016

Look at All The People in Those Kelly Miller Seats! Let's Talk Happy Rings. Let's Talk Anything but Big Apple Circus -- or the Circus Previously Known as Cole Bros.

Good Morning, Friday!  

What a cheerful discovery -- a photo of a tent show with most of the seats apparently occupied by real live customers!  We're at Kelly Miller.

This I found while searching their website.  This, the seats full, I almost never see -- not under a tent, nor in a  building.

There has been so much depressing news lately, King Cole to Big Apple, that I feel such affection for those folks in the seats.

Another cheerful Kelly Miller discovery, and possibly a reason for the two full houses that day in West Millford, is a somewhat expanded lineup.  The website  now lists a more engagingly organized program than the one it showed not that long ago.

Some elements that please -- on paper at least:

Instead of opening with a solo for clown Fajolino, now the entire company comes on in ensemble action.   Always the ideal opener for a one ring campaign

Like the idea of the next act lifting off into the air -- Fridman Torales & partner on a bike up an inclined wire.

Program looks a little more airborne, what with, besides Torales, the returning Mongolian aerial duo of Mendee & Zaya; a single trap turn from Kimberly Souren,  and the North Starlets.

As good a surprise as the chivari opener is another equally impressive insertion: the return of "Human Volcano" Lamount. This remarkable fire manipulating showman ends the show.

Some items put smile on my faces:  "The Mule Whisperer," "Barnyard Belle and her Comical Critters," "World's Smallest Zebra,"as well as comedy entries from Faljolinio

Ace juggler Nicolas Souren is on his third tour with KM.  Too many returnees?   There's not a face in the company new to Kelly Miller.  And that  might be the biggest drawback.   

Production number is Happy HoedownJohn Ringling North II has often worked a few acts into a quite charming stream of action, usually his most artful imprint on the program.

Best of all, North has brought back about the most astonishing solo elephant act I've ever seen -- Anna Louise, whose animated dancing is so near-human as to feel like an act of magic. 

I'm guessing the program may give off a warm whimsical edge, what with its quirky four-legged charmers and its clown Fajolinio, who looks like he was born with a funny face.  But am I spinning, good grief? These impressions are based upon my studying the lineup.  I feel envious of those who will get to see the show. 


And hopeful that there will be more photos like these showing the seats filled.

Something to feel good about!  

END RINGERS:  To my great surprise, gone from the company is founding manager, James Royal.  I'm told he now works for another Hugo-based show, Culpepper & Merriweather.  Wonder whatever brought this separation about?  Johnny II said to still be spending much time on the show.  I'm guessing that maybe the Rawls are handling the front end.  What is fairly certain is that business last year was ominously down.  Pray for more photos showing more bodies in the seats. 


John Reed said...

I've been keeping up with Carson and Barnes schedule, hoping to take my grandchildren to a circus with elephants. Their current schedule only goes through July 17 and has them in Arkansas close to home in Hugo. Is this the death of another mudshow? I expect Harry Kingston knows the answer.

Showbiz David said...


I received an items from Don Covington that the show was taking a mid summer break.

It did sound a little ominous to me.

Let's hope that's all it is.