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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Copeland and Combs Give Kelly Miller Creative Sizzle

Getting to know you, little car! Copeland and Combs test driving their latest prop 

 Doing PR on Univision TV

They are one of two redeeming creative forces in the other wise endlessly recycled Kelly-Miller Circus.

And here they are in their brand new clown auto, Steve Copeland and Ryan Combs.  In a test run the other day, detailed by Steve on his  blog (you can link to it to your right, and read the full hilarious account), oh, what a hair-raising ride they endured, owing to a breaking problem (evidently, the auto did not come with instructions). In part, recounted Steve:   

"When we came hurtling into the ring for the first time, Ryan nearly crashed into the ring curb. He had to keep turning sharply to avoid a collision, and then when it came time to stop, he couldn't pull the proper lever because my leg was in the way (as you can see in the above picture, the fit in the truck is snug). Since he had so little time to react due to the speed we were going, Ryan didn't think to tell me to move my leg. He just tried to move the lever anyway.  Meanwhile we were out of the ring and heading straight for the bandstand .."


[I tried to make the photo larger up there, but for some reason, Blogger would not cooperate. Maybe it thinks the image is funnier in the smaller size]

For these two marvelously inventive guys alone, even if not all of their gags hit pay dirt, were the Hugo-based show an annual camel ride away from where I live, I'd look forward to seeing it every season, just to see what a couple of dedicated young joeys are up to.

Maybe that is what John Ringling North II banks on, for lately, he hasn't show much resolve in turning over the performing personnel.  As for this year's opus,  familiar names like Rosales and Friedman remain intact.  New Names?  They are yet to surface anywhere.  But, I will wait, and so might you, if you wish ...

As for the second of the two "creative forces"  to which I teasingly alluded above, that would be North's one manifestation of being a creative producer, at least in his conceptual reach:  the end of the first half  production number. Perhaps this year it will feature the little clown car that could -- once its loony drivers got their own act together.

[photos from  the Copeland and Combs blog]

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