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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Ringling Trumpets New Acts from Around the World in Modern "Immersive" Rebirth on Tap ... Goodbye, Old Circus, Good Bye ...


The circus is coming!
Right under the big top,
Step up, see a pig hop
through a flaming hoop! –
We're one amazing troupe! 
You won't see a pig hop, nor a  big top rise when the circus once known as the Greatest Show on Earth comes calling in a city near you, and there are a whopping 154 of them spread from sea to shining sea.  They are calling this the greatest return in show biz history. Well don't slight them for over kill. From  the Felds:

"Opening night is just a hop, skip and double somersault away. We're crazy excited, and we're heading your way!"

Indeed they are. Chances are, unless you live in the states of Oregon and Washington, that you won't be  too far from one of the cities they've listed. Close enough to make the drive on a single battery charge. Only are San Francisco and Chicago missing.  Not sure what that means.  Some photos from the show's underwhelming photo sampler:

Legit circus.  I'd like to see more of this.

How about Wesley Williams???

Ballet Circus: I could be crazy fine without another snail-paced contortion.

So what to expect?  This I am fairly certain, given the Big One's track record in talent scouting, I have no doubt you will see a few great acts, maybe more.  More may be the key to success or failure, because this resurrected ghost won't be coming to town with the clowns and the animals that could give the show far greater variety and depth.

What to question:  They push the idea of something "immersive" and  interactive, a 360 degree viewing experience to bring you into more intimate contact with the performers.  I ask, where do you find such peripheral apparatus on a Broadway stage?  At a pop concert? At the movies?  On a TV reality show?  

Whatever the outcome, the new Ringling roll out should  be a fascinating experiment to follow.

Swinging ballerinas and dancing elephants,
 Obstreperous hyenas our daring fella hunts!
A show for the rich -- and
A show for the poor
Hey!  Come thrill to our 
Great grand carnival of fun
Ringling Bros. World's Greatest Shows
 are [were] coming to town!

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