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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Taking a Pulse of American Circus Websites, and Ranking Them, Most Relevant to Least Alive ...

I went out this morning to our vacant midways, just to see if I could detect any changes, hoping for brighter signs of life.  There were a few, with the smallest show coming out on top.

I was surprised by how two circuses have at least connected to Corona by putting the mask at the forefront of costume design and marketing.

Having nothing better to do while waiting for a big top to rise somewhere (I  am not really looking for funded ballet circuses on the fringe, all of them likely in limbo) --- here are my rankings of five circus websites, from the most ingenuity displayed in a tie-in to our sheltering-in, locked-out culture, down to the least evidence of life.

In order to do this rigorous assignment justice, I am playing fashion critic here, a new gig for me. So ... drum roll from within your glass cube, Maestro, if you please! My rankings: 


Cullpepper& Merriweather

Gives me a good feeling, knowing they are making an effort to make some valid concession money.  What about offering it with a free Peterson Peanuts package, Jim? Which just gave me an idea, CFA and all U.S. circus fans: Get out your plastic, pull up the C&W website, and buy yourself a sporty C&W circus mask!  (You might check on if it will be allowed at competing shows.)   Humble little C&W, how you warm my sheltered out heart!  Reminds me of when I sold cool aid ice cubes out on the front lawn.


UniverSoul Circus

Yes, UniverSoul, you ARE cool and here is an example why.  I'd suggest you mass market that entire mask set. Might start a rage. 

And know what?  This may give great hope to Cirque du Soliel's makeup and costume department, not to mention its legions of writers and dramaturgs hatching out all those riveting story lines we suffer through to get to  the candy,  I mean,  can you imagine how over the moon they could fly with this one?  


Carson and Barnes, and Circus Varges

 I can feel their dedication and desire to return. 


Big Apple Circus

I can only wonder what Big Apple is currently doing behind the scenes.  If, in fact, there is anything there.   Ominously missing is a message from the high-spirited Gregg Walker, the second CEO under the new regime who has a talent for talking up huge attendance increases under his management and lending the triumphal aura of well-being ahead.
So, folks, as of this moment here in the great USA, that's the way it is!

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